CUSTARYANS / Bewariërs
Partner of the screening: Embassy of the Netherlands in Poland
dir. Sanne Kortooms, Timon Moll, Netherlands, 2023, 70 min

POLISH PREMIERE. In the 70-minute documentary CUSTARYANS, three stories are told about Jewish possessions stored during the Second World War, their Jewish owners and their non-Jewish protectors. All this against the background of the post-war period, which was not just one of reconstruction and togetherness. Rising anti-Semitism, excessive bureaucracy that made restoration of human rights impossible, focusing solely on the heroic deeds of the fallen and not on the suffering of the Jewish community... These were the ingredients of a social climate that made it impossible for many Jews to build a life in the Netherlands after the Second World War. A gap in the collective memory of the Dutch, which has not yet been filled more than 75 years later.