dir. Uwe Janson, sccreenplay Thorsten Wettcke, Artur Brauner (idea), producer Alice Brauner, Germany 2014, 95 min, tragicomedy
dir. , ,
, min
2019-11-19 20:00, CZARY Cinema
The retrospective of Artur Brauner’s films - the laureate of Honorary Camera of David 2019.
Strokes of fate have taken their toll on the ageing cabaret singer Ruth and the seriously ill young Jonas. Yet despite their great age difference and their entirely opposite lifetime experiences, they form an intense bond and give each other a reason and purpose to live. AUF DAS LEBEN!, which translates into English as TO LIFE! and into Hebrew as L'CHAIM!, the celebrated Jewish toast, is the unashamedly HAROLD-AND-MAUDE-like story of two very unlikely individuals. Starring the grande dame of German cinema, Hannelore Elsner, and Max Riemelt, one of the most acclaimed young stars of German and international films.
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