10 films for the 10th anniversary of “The Space of an Image” KRAKOW, 23-28.06.2024
Join us for the 10th anniversary edition of “The Space of an Image” Jewish film review, organised in Kraków by the Galicia Jewish Museum, the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival and the Kamera Dawida Foundation.
The project began with the screening of Simon Target's film “A town called Brzostek” (Special Prize at the WJFF 2014). This film tells the story of the return of Professor Jonathan Webber, who is associated with the Galicia Jewish Museum, to the birthplace of his ancestors – Brzostek in the Podkarpacie region— and the restoration of the memory of the Jewish community in that area. The screening took place on the 21st of January 2015 at the Galicia Jewish Museum, and since then we have managed to show more than 100 films to the public in Małopolska. “The Space of an Image” has been shown during the Jewish Culture Festival in Kraków and has been attracting a lot of interest from festival visitors and residents alike.
The project is a broad panorama of Jewish-themed films selected for the KAMERA DAWIDA festival. The main premise adopted by the organisers is an attempt to capture the diversity of Jewish diaspora communities all over the world, with particular emphasis on Poland and Central Europe. The programme includes both brave independent films and award-winning high-budget productions. “The Space of an Image” provides a space for reflection on Jewish history and culture and on contemporary Jewish life.
To mark the 10th anniversary of the review, 10 films are included in the programme:
“No Name Restaurant”, dir. Peter Keller, Stefan Sarazin (open-air screening in the courtyard of Museum of Engineering and Technology)
“One Life”, dir. James Hawes
“Where Life Begins”, dir. Stephane Freiss
“Golda”, dir. Guy Nattiv
“Children of Peace”, dir. Maayan Schwartz
”Where are you going”, dir. Jasmine Kainy
“Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgaro Mortara”, dir. Marco Bellocchio
“Delegation”, dir. Asaf Saban
“March ‘68”, dir. Krzysztof Lang
“Renia Spiegel’s Diary”, dir. Miłosz Kozioł