On The International Holocaust Remembrance Day – 27 th January 2022 at 7pm, we will honor the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of other victims of the Nazi regime.
This year, the Jewish Film Festivals at Warsaw (Warsaw Jewish Film Festival), Berlin-Brandenburg and Budapest together with the non-profit organization Jewish Moving Pictures collaborate in creating an online commemoration event.
In cooperation with The Visual Center at YAD VASHEM The World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and with The Perlov Family, we will screen the restored version of the film: Memories of the Eichmann Trial followed by a discussion with the director of the YAD VASHEM Visual Center, Mrs. Liat Ben Habib and with the directors ́ daughter, the renowned film editor and producer, Mrs. Yael Perlov.
Online screening of the restored version of Memories of the Eichmann Trial (dir. by David Perlov, Israel 1979) followed by a discussion will be held on January 27th, 2022 at 7:00 PM.
The Eichmann trial was a watershed event shaping the Israeli identity and the world’s memory of Holocaust. We introduce a unique documentary made in 1979 by David Perlov, the father of Israeli documentary cinema.
Rafi Eitan, the commander of the Mossad unit that captured Eichmann, witnesses at the trial, young Israelis remembering their parents’ trauma - all of them once again recall the events from 1961. Especially moving is the story of the photographer Henryk Ross, one of the witnesses in the trial, who secretly photographed transports from the Lodz Ghetto to the death camps. It is not a film about Eichmann but about the ways that the Israeli perceptions of the Holocaust were transformed by this trial.
If you are interested in taking part in the screening and the discussion, please use this link to register:
We will distribute a limited number of access codes to this rare event for each of the participating countries.
*Screening courtesy of Kan 11 - Israel Film Corporation, The Perlov Familly and Yad Vashem.